Sunday, April 12, 2009

Polygraph Project from Cornell Students

If you are interested in working on building your own biofeedback devices, you may have seen this page. I just found it. This is the first reference seen that uses air temperature to monitor respiration. A bluetooth optical mouse for $10 started me in another direction you'll see appear here shortly. Air temperature patterns from a mask really delivers a lot of data for storage and interpretation. The other feature of this page is the circuit detail.

Here is a little of the introduction on the page:

"A polygraph (often and incorrectly called a 'lie detector') is a machine which plots in real time several human biological signals such as pulse rate, galvanic skin resistance (GSR), blood pressure, and breathing rate. This machine, in conjunction with a certified examiner, is then used to analyze a subject's stress during interrogation with the intent of distinguishing truth from lying. These machines can cost anywhere from hundreds to thousands of dollars. We attempted to build one for $50.

"For our design project we constructed a polygraph which measured pulse rate, GSR, and breathing rate, and performed a discrete cosine transform (DCT) on the subject's voice in the hope of measuring a deviation in the fundamental frequency (another indicator of stress). The measurements were sampled, analyzed, and transmitted to a computer for further analysis using an ATMEL AVR Mega32 microcontroller."

Absorb it all!

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